Hei-hei ja toredat neljapäeva kõigile!
Kuskil kolm nädalat tagasi tegin ma väikse tellimuse AliExpressis. Kindlasti kõik teavad seda lehte. Mulle nii meeldib see leht kuna see on lihtsalt nii kerge ning sealt leiab palju odavaid asju. Nüüd on küsimus, et aga miks mitte ebayst siis tellida, kuna seal veel suurem valik, eks? Ma olen ühe korra Ebayst tellinud ja minu jaoks on sealt kuidagi keerulisem... Sul peab mingi paypal olema ja ma mäletan, et alati need tooted, mida ma tahtsin, olid mõttetult suure postikuluga. Seega kolisingi üle AliExpressi. Ning viimased kaks aastat olen sealt päris mitmeid tellimusi teinud. Umbes 90% oma ostudega olen rahule jäänud, pole ju paha ? Lisaks on seal enamus asjad ilma postikuluta - seega win!
Nüüd ongi mul kõik 5 toodet kohale jõudnud, mis on üllatav, sest arvasin, et mõndadega läheb aega rohkem kui kuu. Aga säh sulle nalja, kõik on nüüdseks kohal. Esimene toode saabus juba kuskil 9 päevaga vist - see vist mul rekord, haha!
(panen kõikide toodete alla ka lingid)
// Hey everyone, I hope you are having a great Thursday!
About 3 weeks ago I made little order on a website called AliExpress. Everyone in Estonia probably knows it, not sure if it's that popular in France or in some other countries... Anyway, it's like Ebay, but smaller and well, simpler. I don't need to have a paypal for it and most of the products don't have delivery cost - win! I've been ordering things from there for about 2 years now and I have to say that about 90% of all the orders I've made has been good. That's pretty nice, right? ( I mean, it's all "made in china"...)
So now I have received all my 5 products that I ordered. The delivery was really fast. I actually thought with some products it is going to take more than a month - but there you go, all of them were here with in less than a month. Wipppii!
(I'm going to put links under the picture for every item)
Okei, esimesene näitan teile kahte käekella. Mul on tegelikult ilus käekell olemas, aga põhjus, miks ma tahtsin uusi, on väga lihtne - ma ei taha oma uhket ja ilusat kella tööl olles ära lõhkuda! Mul on Fossili kell, mis on reaalselt maailma ilusaim ning tihti tööl olles ma löön alati seda vastu miskit ära.. Igakord ma kardan, aga samas ilma kellata ma ei saa! Ma olen üks nendest, kes on pigem käekellast sõltuvuses, kui et telefoni kellast. Vahel on lausa imelik, kui kella käel pole. Ning seepärast tellisingi kaks odavat hiinakat endale, et kui lööngi klaasi kakti, siis ei ole vähemalt kahju :) Mis te arvate, pole ju üldsegi pahad? Minu arvates väga väga ilusad. Sellele türkiis värvi kellale pean ma lisa augu tegema, sest ta on veidi liiga lai, aga see valge on ideaalne. Mulle nii meeldivad mõlema värvid - täpselt nagu olid ka pildil. Mina olen rahul igastahes!
So first I am going to show you these two lovely watches I ordered. I do have a watch already - Fossil watch. I love it and I think it's the most beautiful watch ever. So that is the reason I need some others, cause I'm just so afraid I'm gonna broke it while working. Sometimes I hit it on something, but it's fine at the moment. I do have some scratches on it. So at least when I finally broke my watch at work it's gonna be a cheap made in China watch. I'm the person who is obsessed with looking at the time from my wrist not from my phone, so that's why I always need a watch on my wrist. I think these two ones I got are actually really nice. I love the colors - bright, like on the pictures. On the turquoise watch I need to do an extra hole, so it wouldn't be too loose, but the white one is just perfect. I'm really pleased with them!
Järgmisena tellisin ma enda Ipodile uue taguse. Mu vanal polnud midagi viga (üli armas galaktiga oma), aga lihtsalt tahtsin uut ja ma leidsin just ideaalse. Sellise mis paistab läbi. Ja kuna mu Ipodil on sinine tagus, siis see oli just lihtsalt nii ideaalne, kui olla sai. :D Ipodidele pole tavaliselt nii suurt valikut, kui on Iphonidele. Ning kui ma selle Alist lõpuks leidsin, hüppas see kohe mu ostukorvi ning lõpuks ta minuni ka jõudis. Ma olen nii õnnelik selle üle, jee! :D
Next on, I ordered a new case for my little cute Ipod. There was nothing wrong with my old one (super cute galaxy style) but I just wanted a new one. And of course, I just found a perfect one. It's kind of transparent one - just ideal for my Ipod because it's blue. Usually there isn't a lot of choices for Ipods (everything is for Iphones...) So when I found this one...I just had to have it and with a second it was in my shopping cart. And now it's here and I cant be more pleased with it. Just so cute!!!!!
Nüüd üks toode/tooted, millega ma ei jäänud kahjuks rahule. Aga samas, need olid nii odavad, et mida veel oodata siis... Kuigi suvi on läbi, siis ikkagi tellisin endale kaks lehte neid lahedaid kuldseid tatokaid. Need on ju nii khuulid lihtsalt! Valik oli lihtsalt üli suur, seepärast tellsingi kaks lehte kuna ma ei suutnud otsustada. Oleks veel võtnud, aga ma teadsin, et need võivad halva kvaliteediga olla, seega ei tahtnud mega palju neid ka nüüd tellida. Hinnaks oli kõigest 60 senti, ehk et maksin 1.20! Tegin ka kohe peale kätte saamist katsetuse, juba samal õhtul oli see maha kulumas :( Aga mis seal ikka, tööl sain komplimente ja üks kleint isegi tuli küsima, et kust ma sain. :) Ja no eks ma nad ära ikkagi kasutan. Ilusad on nad ju siiski!
So this/these are the only ones I am not pleased with. What was I expecting, I mean they were ridiculously cheap. Even though summer is over, I still really like these fake golden tattoos. I find them so cool. The choice was just so big that I couldn't decide which ones I want so I had to take two. I would've taken more of them, but I knew they were gonna be bad quality so there's no point. They were only 60 cents for one, so I paid 1.20 for two. After receiving them I tried one out and already the same night it was coming off... Oh well.. At least I got some compliments at work and one girl even came to ask where I got them, hehe! But I'm still gonna use them - they are so pretty!
Viimaseks asjaks on see tore t-särk, mida tegelikult oli ka juba näha minu eelmises postituses. Ma ei oskagi midagi selle kohta öelda. Nagu ikka hiinlaste riietele kohane, siis pidin võtma suurema numbri, ehk et S suuruse asemel võtsin L suuruse. Ja nagu pildil näha sobib see üsna ideaalselt. Hea, et S'i ei võtnud. Olen juba kogenud ning tark sellel alal! Haha! Minu arvates tore särgike, ja noh kohvit ma armastan, ning sellega alustan oma päeva, seega why not! :D
For the last item, is this cute t-shirt, which you actually saw already from my last post. I don't really have anything to say about it. As you might know Chinese clothing, you have to take bigger size than you actually are. So instead of taking S, I took L, and as you can see it looks fine. I guess I'm like a professional already with this. Haha. I think it's a cute shirt, I mean, I love coffee and I start my day with it, so yes, why not! :D
Ja ongi kõik! Eile täiesti juhuslikult panin uue tellimuse teele - seekord hoopis midagi muud - süütenöörid küünaldele (jap...). Vaatan, äkki saan midagi tehtud, eks ma sellest annan ka siin kindlasti teada, mis ma siis lõpuks kokku keeranud olen :D
Andke teada, mis teie mu tellitud toodetest arvate nign kas te olete varem Alist tellinud ja kas olete rahule jäänud? Või eelistate siiski Ebayd...
And that is it! Yesterday, out of nowhere, I out another order on the way. This time something totally different - candle wicks.. yep! We'll see how that is gonna turn out.
So let me know, what you think of these products and also if you have ever ordered anything from AliExpress or if you ever WOULD order. Or maybe you just prefer Ebay...
Stay sweet,