Kuigi täna on juba 2 juuni, siis ikkagi teen ma selle postituse. Mai kuu My Little Box - parem hilja, kui mitte kunagi! Mai kuu karbi nimi oli "Ciao Bella"- ehk siis italiano teemaline.
//Even tho' it's already second of June, I'm still going to do this post. May My Little Box - better later than never. This time the box was called "Ciao Bella" - Italian theme.
Seekord leidsin karbist: Caudalie Sorbet näokreem, Baija Paris kehaõli, My Little Beauty isepruunistuv kreem jalgadele, Ciao Bella sõrmus, Luisa turban.
From the box I found: Caudalie Sorbet face cream, Baija Paris body oil, My Little Beauty self-tanning cream for legs, Ciao Bella ring, Luisa turban.
Sellel korral polnud just kõige põnevav box. Kuigi ilutooteid olen ma kõiki juba kasutanud ning olen kõigi kolmega rahul, siis ikkagi, miskit jäi nagu puudu. Lisaks tundub olevat mu pea nii suur, et see turban on väga kitsas mulle.Tekitab tunde nagu mu pea on arbuus ja siis pannakse kumme ümber ja siis ükshetk plahvatab pooleks - veidi imelik metafoor. :D
This month box wasn't that interesting. Even though I have tried all the beauty products and I am very pleased with them, still, I feel like something is missing. Plus, it looks like my head is huge, so the turban is so tight. Makes me feel like my head is a watermelon and then you put the rubber things around and just wait for it to explode from the middle - weird explanation :)
Muidu üleüldiselt on ikkagi nii põnev saada karbike ja see avada ja uurida, mis küll seekord seal sees peitub. Ja muidugi pean uuesti mainima, et need ilutooted on alati nende nunnude kotikeste sees... Mul neid juba neli...ei tea mis küll nendega peale hakata, aga noh, who cares. :)
Over all, it's still super exciting to receive the box every month and open it and discover all the things inside. Also I want to mention again, how cute the little bags are, where they put all the beauty products inside - every time! So cute, I have 4 of them already - I don't know what to do with them, but who cares! :)
Nii huvitav on lugeda, mis seal leidub. Ootan juba uut :) Oskate öelda, kas Eestist saab ka neid?
VastaKustutaNii tore kuulda, et kedagi ikka huvitab kaa!:) Ma ka ootan juba uut - umbes pooleteise nädala pärast peaks uus saabuma!
KustutaMa kardan, et Eesti neid ei saa tellida. See on küll olemas UK's, aga ma arvan, et sealgi saab ainult riigi siseselt tellida, nagu ka Prantsusmaal :(