Eelmisel nädalal läksin ma uue seljakoti jahile. Keegi äkki mäletab SEDA selljakotti, mida ma põhimõtteliselt koguaeg kandsin. See oli nii imeliselt ideaalne..jah, oli. Kahjuks tundub, et selle seljakoti aeg on omal pool. Üle kahe aasta pidas vastu isegi, braavo! Ta oli mul kaasas igal reisul, kandis ta mu arvutit ja muud rasket pahna. Tema armas sangake otsustas sussid õhku visata. Ma tean, et tegelikult kuidagi võiksin ma ehk ta ära parandada, aga mul ei ole selleks vastavaid arvan. Lisaks, oleks tore ju uut kotti ka otsida, hehe! Ja sellepärast ma uue koti jahile läksingi - Primarki. Ning kotti ma sealt ei leidnud. Aga leidsin muid asju, muudest poodidest. Mida mul ju tegelikult vaja pole :) Aga ikka tahtsin ja ostsin. Üks ootamatu shoping tuli sellest!
// Last week I went on a new backpack hunt. Maybe you remember THIS backpack, I used to wear this all the time. It was just perfect...yes, was. Unfortunately I think it's time has come and I cant wear it anymore. One of the handles came off. I know that I could probably fix it, but I don't have the equipment to do it. So, I went to Primark, to find a new bag. I did not find myself a new bag, but I did find other stuff, from different stores. So, a little unexpected shopping it was.
Primarkis olles sattus mu ostukorvi päris mitmeid asju aga riietusruumis proovides jäi nendest alles vaid üks kleit. Nii lihtne aga nii ilus ning paneb mind tundma...super hotina, Kui aus olla :D Ja hind oli kah uskumatult hea, kõigest 9 euri! Mis te arvate?
While shopping in Primark, there was quite few items that found place in the shopping basket. Then I went to try them on and only one fit me and that dress came home with me. Such a nice dress, fits perfectly and makes me feel super hot,haha! And it only cost 9 euros! What you think??

Primarkist lahkudes, enda üle uhkust tundes, et lahkusin vaid ühe esemega, kõndisin ma mööda ühest poest, mida ma varem näinud ei olnud. See oli just avatud ning tundus huvitav. Poele tegin kaks ringi peale, sest nii tore poekene oli. Meenutab oma idee ja toodete poolest Tigerit. Aga noh, hoopis teistsugune pood. Väga skandinaavialik, üli armsa väljanägemisega ning ilusaid tooteid täis. Võite vaadata nende kodulehte SIIT. Mis ma siis sealt ära ostsin?
When I left Primark I was very proud of myself because I left with only one item! Then I saw this store. Looked cute. Went in. Did two rounds inside. And now it's my favorite store :D It's very scandinavian style and full of beautiful stuff. You can check their website HERE. So, what did I buy from there?
Ühe toreda paki kohvi. Mulle meeldib katsetada ja maitsta erinevaid kohvisi. Aga tihti peale on kohvi lihtsalt hirmus kallis. See pakk maksis vist 2.80, mis pole kallis. Kui aus olla,siis polnud mitte midagi erilist, aga lihtsalt, põhimõtte pärast tahtsin proovida ja ega ta halb ju ka olnud! Tavaline kohvi lihtsalt :D
A cute pack of coffee. I love coffee and try different new ones. But sometimes it's so expensive! This pack was only 2.80, which isn't expensive. It wasn't that special actually but I just wanted to try and it was alright.
Siis leidsin sellised toredad paberid, mis on tehtud spetsiaalselt retseptide jaoks. Mul ei ole endal raamatut kuhu retsepte üles kirjutada. Kõik olid mul kirjutatud väikestele paberi lipakatele. Ning kui ma nägin neid toredaid pabereid, mõtlesin et viin enda hetke retsepti lipakad to the next level. :D Need on ju nii armsad!!
Then I found this cute pack of papers that are made specially for recipes. I don't have a notebook to write all my recipes, so all of them were on a tiny little paper sheets. So I find these ones just perfect. It's like taking my little shady sheets to the next level. :D
Seal poes oli igasugu pudipadi. Ausõna! Ma leidsin sellise toreda paki magneteid. Mõtlete, et miks mul oleks tarvis nii mõttetuid väikseid magneteid? Mu pea viis mind kohe mu instant piltide peale, et need mu külmkapile panna ning tulevikus veel neist DIY teha ning need khuuliks lõpuks meisterdada.
This store has so many tiny useless stuff, which I love! :D So, I found this pack of magnets. Straight away I thought of my instant photos, I can put them on my fridge and possibly do a little DIY with them and make them cool!
Ning lõpuks, kassa kõrval oli neil üks sein täis erinevaid maitseainete valikuid. Kõik maksid 89 senti! Like what.... Maitseained on mu arvates üsna kallid Prantsusmaal, seega 89 senti on lihtsalt ulme :D Hetkel valisin ma vaid paki oreganot, sest et seda oli mul just tol hetkel vaja. Ning tahtsin proovida, kas üldse hea on.
And eventually, in the end of the store, there was a wall full on cooking spices & herbes. And they were all 89 cents! Like what. I found herbes and stuff in France a bit expensive, so 89 cents was ridiculous. At the moment I only chose one pack - oregano. Because thats what I needed and first wanted to just to try, if it's any good!
Juba pikemat aega olen ma tahtnud osta uut lainerit aga olen koguaeg unustanud ning pole sattunud ka poodi, kust osta. Seekord püüdsin meeles pidada ning käisin läbi KIKO'st. Mulle meeldib see bränd. Ma olen juba viimased kaks aastat ainult nende ripsmetušše kasutanud. Seega ma teadsin, et nende lainer on ka kindlasti hea ning nende hinnad on kah taskukohased. Selle laineri eest maksin ma 6.90 ja siiamaani olen saanud väga ilusad cat-eyed :D
For a while now, I've been wanting to buy myself a new eyeliner. But I've always forgot and haven't been to a store where I could get it. So this time I tried to remember to go to KIKO. I love this brand, I have been using their mascaras for over 2 years and I have no complaint about them. Plus it's not too expensive. So I bought myself their eyeliner with 6.90 and so far I have had perfect cat-eyes! :D
Mulle meeldivad sellised ootamatud shopingud. Ning eriti, kui ma leian muid asju kui ainult riideid vms. Selliseid pudi-padi asjad on nii toredad!
I love these unexpected shoppings. Specially when I find otherstuff than just clothes. These little pointless stuff are the best! :D