Neid magneteid ostes, ma juba teadsin, et tahan nendega teha DIY ja ilusaks nad teha. Niisiis otsisin inspiratsiooni ja ideid, kuniks sain isegi rohkem ideid, kui vajasin. Eile teostasin ühe oma ideedest. Mingi päev tahan minna juurde osta neid magneteid ja veel teha - aga teistsuguseid.
// When I bought these magnets I already knew I wanted to make DIY out of these. So, I was trying to find some ideas, inspiration. Eventually I got more ideas, than I needed. So, yesterday I made one of my ideas. Some other day I will go and buy some more magnets and try to create the other ideas I had.
Nii nad mul välja tulid / this is how they turned out
Nagu näha, siis on need lihtsamast lihtsamad ja väga palju nende jaoks tegema ei pea :)
As you can see, they are so simple, and to make them, is just so easy :)
Kui tahad isegi proovida, siis selleks läheb vaja / If you want to try this yourself, you will need:
- magneteid / magnets
- veini pudeli korke / wine bottle corks
- teravat nuga / sharp knife
- liimipüstolit / glue pistol
- musta vildikat või markerit / black marker
Neid teha on väga kerge. Lõika veini korgid viiludeks, nii peenikeseks või paksuks, kui ise soovid. Musta markeriga kirjuta/joonista, mis ise soovid. Siis liimiga kleebi magneti külge ja voila, ongi valmis. Kas pole mitte lihtne?
Making these is very simple. Cut the wine corks as fat or thin you want. Draw/write on them with the black marker. Then glue them on the magnets and voila, they are ready!
Siis, kui uue portsu magneteid ostan ja need ka jälle ilusaks teen, kas sooviksid ka neid näha? Anna teada :) // When I buy new pack of magnets, and when I make them pretty, would you like to see these as well? Let me know :)
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